I'm proud of (but envy a little) my DD's confidence to be different.
1/15, f45, ISO 400, 25.0mm, Cropped
I completed my 365 day project in January of 2011 and now use this site to share some of my favorite images.

About Me

- Suzanne Kirkman
- In the last few years I have yearned for something more, something to push my creativity and challenge my mind. Through the 365 Project and Photography I have found a passion that has filled a hole in my heart. A sense of being and a meaning to my life. I hope my pictures live on forever even if only through my children and my blog.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
#3 Green with Envy
Years ago before a career and family I had time to draw and paint, I envy those that still do.
1/100, f4.5, ISO 200, 31.0mm, Cropped
1/100, f4.5, ISO 200, 31.0mm, Cropped
Monday, March 29, 2010
#2 Green with Envy
The grass is always greener on the other side.
About 15 minutes from my house lies the town of Pinehurst. Pinehurst is know for it's famous golf courses and golf/retirement communities. If you saw the size of the houses, their designer clothes and shiny cars you would be envious too.
1/1000, f4, ISO 100, 27.0mm, SOOC
About 15 minutes from my house lies the town of Pinehurst. Pinehurst is know for it's famous golf courses and golf/retirement communities. If you saw the size of the houses, their designer clothes and shiny cars you would be envious too.
1/1000, f4, ISO 100, 27.0mm, SOOC
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
#7 Nighttime
I had a busy night and finally got to the mall right before it closed to get a few shots. Not quite what I envisioned. I wish I had more people in the shot.
On a side note: Mall Security told me I couldn't take any more pictures without Mall Management permission, so I took my toys and went home.
5, f16.0, ISO 200, 34.0mm, Tri-pod, Cropped
On a side note: Mall Security told me I couldn't take any more pictures without Mall Management permission, so I took my toys and went home.
5, f16.0, ISO 200, 34.0mm, Tri-pod, Cropped
Thursday, March 25, 2010
#6 Nighttime
This shot was a bear to get. I don't think my 200mm lens likes low light. My camera would freak out and not focus. Basically it was hit or miss. This is the best shot I got. I wish I hadn't cropped off the reflection. I also tinted it blue for a better effect.
10, f5.0, ISO 200, 100.0, Tri-pod, pp
10, f5.0, ISO 200, 100.0, Tri-pod, pp
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
#5 Nighttime
Small lake near my house. I wish I could have gotten the moon's reflection, but I'll settle for the reflection of the lights across the lake.
15, f8.0, ISO 400, 43.0mm, Cropped
15, f8.0, ISO 400, 43.0mm, Cropped
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
#4 Nighttime
This shot was a struggle. Lots of 1st for me. 1st time I tried to shoot the moon and 1st time that I used my 200mm lens. Didn't have much luck till I went back to the forum and found Helen's moon picture. She clearly explained how she got her shot. I copied he settings and got a great shot. Turns out the moon is very bright, so my high ISO was not working. Thanks Helen!
1/320, f5.6, ISO 100, 200.0mm, white balance set to Cloudy. Sharpened and cropped
1/320, f5.6, ISO 100, 200.0mm, white balance set to Cloudy. Sharpened and cropped
Monday, March 22, 2010
#2 Nighttime
Well it rained here last night and I wasn't up for going out in it, DH still sick and me working with little sleep, but I will get out tomorrow, Promise.
Night time for Pepper.
0.3, f4.5, ISO 800, 31.00
Night time for Pepper.
0.3, f4.5, ISO 800, 31.00
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
#7 Perspective
I couldn't decide between these 2 pictures which are totally different. I took the 1st one last night and love Tinkerbell's expression, but hate the shadow from the flash. Then when I went to the store this morning I saw this neat fire hydrant and thought I would get a "Dog's eye view".
1/200, f4.5, ISO 400, 18.0mm, flash, SOOC
1/500, f4.5, ISO 100, 30.0mm
1/200, f4.5, ISO 400, 18.0mm, flash, SOOC
1/500, f4.5, ISO 100, 30.0mm
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
#5 Perspective
I was so excited when this idea popped into my head yesterday evening, so I had to rush out and shoot it. So at about 7:45 I went to our main street in town, which is a block from my house, set up and waited for some cars to go by. Considering this is my 1st attempt at this sort of picture I was pretty happy with the results.
10, f22.0, ISO 800, 34.0mm, Tri-pod, Cropped
10, f22.0, ISO 800, 34.0mm, Tri-pod, Cropped
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
#4 Perspective
I had a little trouble getting the flash the way I wanted it, but was lucky DD was being cooperative.
1/200, f3.5, ISO 200, 18.0mm, Flash pointed to the side, SOOC
1/200, f3.5, ISO 200, 18.0mm, Flash pointed to the side, SOOC
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
#3 Perspective
With all the rail road tracks around I had to take a picture of them. Unfortunatly the day was overcast, so the light wasn't great. I also couldn't chose between the color version & B&W.
1/20, f22, ISO 400, 34.0mm
1/20, f22, ISO 400, 34.0mm
Monday, March 15, 2010
#2 Perspective
I'm struggling with this week's theme. This is like the 3rd idea I had for today, unfortunately the other 2 didn't pan out.
1/200, f4.0, ISO 200, 25.0mm
1/200, f4.0, ISO 200, 25.0mm
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
#7 Something Old
The Old Buggy Inn, Carthage, NC. Built in 1880 by WT Jones President of the Tyson-Jones Buggy co.
My favorite is the 1st shot, but I felt I had to include a shot of the whole house. I couldn't chose between the last 2.
1/800, f3.5, ISO 400, 18.0mm, Cropped (probably should have used ISO 200)
1/1250, f3.5, ISO 200, 18.0mm, Cropped
1/15, f22.0, ISO 200, 18.0mm, SOOC
My favorite is the 1st shot, but I felt I had to include a shot of the whole house. I couldn't chose between the last 2.
1/800, f3.5, ISO 400, 18.0mm, Cropped (probably should have used ISO 200)
1/1250, f3.5, ISO 200, 18.0mm, Cropped
1/15, f22.0, ISO 200, 18.0mm, SOOC
Friday, March 12, 2010
#6 Something Old
These were given to me when I was pregnant with my DD. DD loved her blanket "Green Green" and took it with her everywhere. She still keeps it in here room. For being almost 14 yrs old it is still in good condition.
1/20, f4.0, ISO 200, 28.0mm, Cropped, Tri-pod
1/20, f4.0, ISO 200, 28.0mm, Cropped, Tri-pod
Thursday, March 11, 2010
#5 Something Old
My Mother's Bible that she gave to me. She had it since she was a child so I believe it is about 50 yrs old. I found the bookmark in it when I opened it. The cover of the Bible is pretty beat up, but the book mark is in perfect condition.
1/20, f5.6, ISO 400, 55.0mm, Tri-Pod, SOOC
1/20, f5.6, ISO 400, 55.0mm, Tri-Pod, SOOC
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
#4 Something Old
This was my Mom's Barbie doll that she gave to me. It has a copyright date of 1958.
1/25, f5.6, ISO 400, 55.0mm, Cropped
1/25, f5.6, ISO 400, 55.0mm, Cropped
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
#3 Something Old
The little town of Carthage, NC that I live in is known for the Tyson Buggy Factory that produced, at its peak, 3000 buggies a year. My subdivision is built on the spot where the factory stood and my road, Buggy Drive, is named for their famous buggies. Several buggies can be spotted in my town and every year the town holds a “Buggy Festival”. This quaint little town is a charm for a transplanted Yankee.
1/200, f3.5, ISO 200, 18.0mm, Cropped, Rotated, B&W Conversion
Monday, March 8, 2010
#2 Something Old
I love the pictures of the Vintage cars that were posted Sunday so when I drove by this one yesterday evening I had to stop and get some pictures.
1/50, f8.0, ISO 200, 21.0mm, Cropped
1/50, f8.0, ISO 200, 25.0mm, SOOC
1/50, f8.0, ISO 200, 21.0mm, Cropped
1/50, f8.0, ISO 200, 25.0mm, SOOC
Sunday, March 7, 2010
#1 Something Old
I hope this qualifies as something "Old". I was having trouble find old things around my house and remembered this wine bottle I had. For the announcement of my daughter's birth we had a case of wine labeled with her birth date and gave the bottles away to close friends and family (I know strange). This is the last one left that we kept for her to have when she gets older.
1/80, f4.0, ISO 200, 25.0mm, Cropped
1/80, f4.0, ISO 200, 25.0mm, Cropped
Saturday, March 6, 2010
#8 Color Accents
I took this a few evenings ago and had to add it just for fun. One of my favorite books!
1/80, F22, ISO 800, SOOC
1/80, F22, ISO 800, SOOC
#7 Color Accents
I was determined to get a shot of something in bloom, but since it just snowed a few days ago I knew it would be close to impossible. So I ventured out to the Sandhills Horticultural Garden and found a few blooms on this Rosemary bush. The blooms were so small I almost walked right by them.
1/100, f5.0, ISO 100, 35.0mm, Cropped
1/100, f5.0, ISO 100, 35.0mm, Cropped
Friday, March 5, 2010
#6 Color Accents
I think my daughter's I-Dog is so cute, so I had to use it as my subject today. I love the Hot Pink. I'm not loving the glare from the flash. I think the semi-gloss wall isn't the best backdrop.
1/40, f3.5, ISO 400, Flash pointed to the left, Cropped
1/40, f3.5, ISO 400, Flash pointed to the left, Cropped
Thursday, March 4, 2010
#5 Color Accents
Yeah!!! I think I got my picture to follow the rules of 60, 30, 10 or at least close enough for me!
I am so ready for summer!
1/200, F5.0, ISO 200, 28.0mm, Cropped
I am so ready for summer!
1/200, F5.0, ISO 200, 28.0mm, Cropped
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
#4 Color Accents
Well I tried a few shots that didn't pan out. The 60, 30, 10 theory has thrown me for a loop. I understand the concept, but am having a hard time finding stuff around the house that fits it, so I am posting a picture I took this past weekend in Charleston. I was going to save it for the end of the week if I ran out of ideas, but looks like I'll be using it today.
1/13, f11, ISO 100, 18.0mm, Saturation bumped up a little in Photoshop to compensate for the cloudy day.
1/13, f11, ISO 100, 18.0mm, Saturation bumped up a little in Photoshop to compensate for the cloudy day.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
#3 Color Accents
Anyone for Dessert?
1/8, f5.6, ISO 200, 49.0mm, Tri-Pod, Cropped, Yellow removed in Photoshop & image lightened slightly.
The Tungsten White Balance worked better then Auto White balance, but I am still working on it. It would be nice to get a crisp white shot without altering the image in Photoshop.
1/8, f5.6, ISO 200, 49.0mm, Tri-Pod, Cropped, Yellow removed in Photoshop & image lightened slightly.
The Tungsten White Balance worked better then Auto White balance, but I am still working on it. It would be nice to get a crisp white shot without altering the image in Photoshop.
Monday, March 1, 2010
#2 Color Accents
I took this bag out of my closet this morning to carry my gym clothes in and fell in love with it. I just had to make it work for this theme. I remembered that I had bought a lady bug pin for my daughter and thought that the red would be a nice touch. Unfortunatly I did have some difficulty with the glare off the pin.
0.6, f8.0, ISO 200, 37.0mm, Tri-pod, Cropped and Color adjusted in Photoshop.
1/5, f8.0, ISO 200, 42.0mm, Tri-pod, Color adjusted in Photoshop.
Can anyone help me. All my photos had to have the yellow removed in order to get the background and purse white. I am using Auto White Balance. For these photos I used 2 umbrella lights with a white board under the purse and behind it. The room I am shooting in is a beige color, but I didn't think it would cause so much yellow in my pictures. Any suggestions?
0.6, f8.0, ISO 200, 37.0mm, Tri-pod, Cropped and Color adjusted in Photoshop.
1/5, f8.0, ISO 200, 42.0mm, Tri-pod, Color adjusted in Photoshop.
Can anyone help me. All my photos had to have the yellow removed in order to get the background and purse white. I am using Auto White Balance. For these photos I used 2 umbrella lights with a white board under the purse and behind it. The room I am shooting in is a beige color, but I didn't think it would cause so much yellow in my pictures. Any suggestions?
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